Friday, October 06, 2006

Insane foreign supermarket items 1: Instant currry rice

I like going to KLCC.

It's clean, snazzy, right near my house, and you can find Burger King and Kinokuniya there. But my secret reason is the Isetan supermarket. Like a guilty housewife, I always pay a visit, without fail. Even the people there start to know me by name. What gets it going is the sorts of myriad stuff they import from Japan.
  • 150-dollar honeydews? - Check.
  • A fountain of chocolate? - Check
  • Enough weird ramen to bald yourself with MSG? - Check.
  • An aquarium of tofu? - Check

You too can find other strange stuff like natto, glass-ball ramune, and vomit-like sauce mixes there as well. Jeebus,
walking down the aisle was like an orgasm of funny pictures and colors. No wonder the Japanese are the masters of package design. They just leap out at you and you just feel like taking them home- contents be damned- and put it on the shelf to admire and jerk off to them.

But I digress.
One one such trip, I managed to succumb to the wily Japanese and got myself one of these strange sauce mixes, on the pretext of getting lunch. And today, while cursing the haze safely in my house, prepared to go where no man had gone before...


The box indicated that it was some type of Japanese curry rice mix and an egg and microwave was essential to the process. Hell, chances are the sauce in this would look like vomit, but I was game. I checked out the website of the manufacturer; It prided itself on instant rice products, so there was a good chance I wouldn't be typing this from a hospital bed after having my stomach pumped out.


Literally, here are the ingedients I used; the foil sachet of sauce, a cup of rice, and a baby chicken.


After a disastrous session of cooking the rice (2nd degree burns, anyone?), first you poured in the sauce. To my relief, it didn't look like vomit, but like diarrhea runoff. Oh joy.


The instructions said that you have to mix the rice with the sauce thoroughly. Next, it was time to kill the baby chicken and spread its' liquid corpse all over the rice, the essential sacrifice of life required to complete the meal.


A quick two-minute zap of radiation and it was done. Or was it?
Now, no matter what I said, I always liked Japanese curry. It's just that the ones outside looked more fresh, sparkling with the layer of oil, lard or whatever it was on top of it. This one was rather dry-dull, and left little to the imagination. The half-cooked egg didn't help either. Decent enough for a quick meal, but pricy for the 7 bucks that it's worth. Not recommended unless you're a true Japanophile or just plain filthy rich.

Well at least the packaging was nice...


Mark said...

Hey Dan!

Never expected you to use a blog these days. Yeah, I'm guilty of having a blog too, so um nothing much.

But I do have something interesting for you to read up.

- Mark

Daniel Foo said...

Interesting. Thaose crazy chinese; they'll pirate anything.

Thanks for the comment. I haven't heard from you in a while.

Mark said...

Nah. Been busy with upcoming tests and trying to finish my Gundam SEED story before turning to Spriggan-related stories.

I plan to start with a COSMOS fic and regards to Jack Krauser before an assassination mission approved by ARCAM. Need to work these out soon.

You were trying to do curry huh? Love the stuff too, though I do prefer the Asian-made ones...

Let me know if the next chapter's coming up. Can't wait to see the Moroha Private Army in action and whether they'll use the Norinco CQ/CQ M4 rifles...

Mark said...
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